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The Katie's Cakes Chronicles

Writer's pictureKatie Wasko

The Best Vanilla Buttercream

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piped vanilla buttercream

Why this is my favorite Buttercream!

"I don't even like buttercream, but this is delicious," is a phrase that warms my heart every time someone tastes one of my cakes. With just four ingredients, this buttercream is delightfully simple to make and heavenly to savor. After investing countless hours refining this staple recipe, I'm thrilled to finally share it with you!

What you'll need

Beating the Butter

You'll want to start with getting your butter to room temperature. Now, most bakers will tell you to leave it out overnight, but let's be honest, no one remembers! So, my hack for you is to take your butter straight from the fridge and microwave it for 10-15 second bursts until you can make a little indent with your finger and your finger comes back clean.

Next, you'll add your butter and salt to your stand mixer bowl and beat it on speed 6-7 for 10 minutes. This is where the magic will happen! You want your butter to get really light and creamy, like this:

creamy butter

Adding the Vanilla and Powdered Sugar

Now it's time to add the rest of the ingredients. I like to add the vanilla first and then turn my mixer on the lowest speed while I slowly add the powdered sugar. If you are wanting your buttercream to be more white, you can use clear vanilla extract. You'll also notice that I listed the powdered sugar by weight. This makes it so much easier to measure than using cups, trust me. Once All of your powdered sugar is added you can turn your mixer back up to 6 for 1-2 minutes and it's done! How easy was that?

Using and Storing your Buttercream

Prepare this buttercream a few days ahead for convenience or use it right away. It's incredibly versatile – perfect for frosting cakes, adding piping details, or even melting for drip cakes. Feel free to experiment with different flavors using this recipe as your base.

For storage, keep it in an airtight container at room temperature for up to a week or in the refrigerator for a month. When ready to use, bring it back to room temperature and use a hand mixer to restore its desired consistency.

piped vanilla buttercream

Today's Encouragement

31 “So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ 32These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. 33Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

34 “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.

Matthew 6:31-34 NLT

Vanilla Buttercream Recipe

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